CircuTex aims at offering an online course on circular economy for fibrous composites and technical textiles, which will help students, who are enrolled in relevant fields in their Universities to upskill their sustainability competences and raise their awareness on how to reduce the effect that fibrous composites and technical textiles have on the climate change.

#CIRCUTEX   #ErasmusPlus   #SEPIE


to create an eLearning course for HEI students on the circular economy for fibrous composites and technical textiles

to make use of innovative technologies, like virtual reality, to support the learning process

to create a roadmap and recommendations, for the appointment of ECTS points to the course and the adoption of micro-credentials

to bring together European organisations and build their capacity in organising learning courses, which lead to microcredentials based on learning outcomes


1. Capacity building:

  • of Higher Education educators and students in applying sustainability processes in the design, production, use, and recycling of fibrous composites and technical textiles.
  • of Higher Education educators in applying virtual reality.

2. Awareness-raising:

  • about the environmental impact of fibrous composites and technical textiles.
  • about the need to apply circular economy in the life cycle of fibrous composites and technical textiles.
  • on the use and importance of microcredentials for the recognition of qualifications across Europe, and the use of the new Europass platform.

3. Provision of innovative eLearning courses based on learning outcomes.




Un proiect Erasmus+ care își propune să îmbunătățească competențele privind durabilitatea ale studenților din învățământul superior și a cadrelor didactice in sectorul compozitelor fibroase și a textilelor tehnice

Finanțat de Uniunea Europeană. Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin, însă, exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă neapărat punctele de vedere și opiniile Uniunii Europene sau ale Agenției Executive Europene pentru Educație și Cultură (EACEA). Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici EACEA nu pot fi considerate răspunzătoare pentru acestea.

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KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education
